
The Office for Gender Equality advises and supports employees and students on all relevant issues in the areas of equal opportunities for all genders, equality, discrimination, funding opportunities, and gender research topics.

The Office for Gender Equality provides advice and support:

  • if you need information on equality issues at the university,
  • if you are looking for information on existing regulations and laws,
  • if you are looking for information on financial support opportunities,
  • if you want to organize and implement gender equality measures,
  • if you want to integrate equality and gender aspects into research proposals,
  • if you want to design student recruitment in a gender-responsive way,
  • if you want to pursue a university career as a female scientist,
  • if women are not adequately represented in university bodies and committees,
  • if you would like to exchange ideas on topics of gender and gender research,
  • if you are planning activities on the topic or need professional, financial or organizational support.


The Equal Opportunity Officer advises:

  • if personnel measures are imminent,
  • if you need support in conflicts and problems related to gender equality, especially discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation and sexualized/sexual harassment and violence.

    A personal conversation is the first step to improve the situation in case of sexual harassment. Together, the situation is clarified and time is taken to talk about the experiences. Your concerns, your data and the conversations are subject to confidentiality and are treated strictly confidentially.


Counseling centers at the OVGU, in Magdeburg and nationwide

Here you will find an overview of counseling centers that offer support and assistance in special or difficult life situations, both professional and private.
Counseling centers by area:

  • Discrimination and (sexualized) violence, sexual identity
  • Psychosocial counseling
  • Study and teaching
  • Parenthood and pregnancy
  • Legal counseling
  • Disability
  • International
  • Science
  • Other

Last Modification: 13.06.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster