Convention "KI & WIR*"

How objective is an AI of the future?

1st Convention "AI & We*" on Artificial Intelligence & Gender
from 22. -24.11.2019 in the fortress Mark in Magdebur

Call for Participation until 31.08. under

Magdeburg/Halle an der Saale, 20.5.2019 "Where will we get there if...? #ChanceKI" The current Science Year of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence" has started under this guiding question. The state of Saxony-Anhalt is also participating with the multi-day convention "KI & WIR*". From 22 to 24 November in Magdeburg, researchers* from various disciplines of AI and gender research will experiment and discuss with the general public how objective an AI of the future is. The platform will be developed by the Otto-von-Guericke University, supported by the nationwide FEM POWER network, together with science2public Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftskommunikation.

More variety in AI research and development!

Artificial intelligence already determines our everyday life more than we perhaps think and perceive. We live with AI, and researchers* from different disciplines continue to develop AI as systems that can solve the most complex problems possible. For us, our society, our common future.  Not even every fourth AI specialist in the world is a woman. This is shown by a recent evaluation of the career network LinkedIn for the "Global Gender Gap Report" published by the World Economic Forum in December. Germany is particularly striking in this report. On the one hand, Germany is one of the most successful countries in the AI ranking behind the USA and India. On the other hand, only 16 percent of all CI specialists in Germany are female.

This situation gives rise to a whole series of questions and problems which the Convention "AI and We* on Artificial Intelligence & Gender" is intended to provide a platform for: Is male-dominated AI competence also reflected in male-dominated thought patterns in AI? With which data do programmers feed learning systems and are prejudices reproduced in algorithms unnoticed? Can a greater variety of developers counteract this? Why do digital assistants like Siri, Alexa for example have almost all female first names? Do values, design and application have to be negotiated on a broader social basis?

AI, join us! At the 1st Convention "AI and Us*" on Artificial Intelligence & Gendermach mit! 
It is important that distortions are noticed, looked at, critically and openly reflected upon and discussed. This will happen at the 1st "KI und wir*" convention, which will be held from 22 to 24 November together with all universities in Saxony-Anhalt and the FEM POWER network.

Discuss, inform, criticize for 3 days. Watch, play, participate, try out.

For 3 days, creative, critical and clever minds will show what artificial intelligence can do in the meantime and where the journey will take us in the future. On an exhibition area of over 1000 square metres in the Mark Fortress in Magdeburg, visitors* will experience exciting experts* discussing the latest developments in AI research. An exhibition shows young and old the latest products, applications, workshops and initiatives from the field of artificial intelligence to touch, participate, try out and give feedback.

Another programme item is the daily SciFi film programme, which takes place at 6 p.m. and is then reviewed in the "KI Gender Quartet": How do gender experts* and AI researchers* perceive what they have seen? What myths, what facts are contained in the film, what is technologically feasible, what is socially desired or feared? But also: with which stereotypes are we as viewers subtly or openly confronted? The audience discusses with us.

Creative minds wanted: Open Call until 31.8. 2019
The convention is open to people who think about how our society treats each other fairly and equitably. Even with the latest technologies and systems such as Artificial Intelligence. Are you also working on a project, an application, a product that you would like to present to the general public at our Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Gender? As an expert*in, exhibitor*in or initiative of the Call for Participation is open until 31 August.
Further information can be found on the internet
Further information on the Science Year 2019 Artificial Intelligence can be found below

Contact for the press:

Ilka Bickmann
science2public® - Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftskommunikation e.V.
fon 0345 2266258

Last Modification: 23.02.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster