Guest lectures and teaching assignments

To implement gender aspects in research and teaching or to promote gender equality work at the faculty level, educational events such as guest lectures and teaching assignments can be financed. This concerns the optional or non-technical areas of the (professional) degree programs in order to enable the students to acquire corresponding key qualifications.


Who is eligible to apply?

  • scientists
  • a work area (chair, faculty, research group, etc.) that integrates the topics of gender, equality, diversity, gender-sensitive career advancement, etc.


What is specifically funded?

  • Guest lectures (with internal university fee): subject-related or interdisciplinary on gender-specific topics or to promote a young scientist
  • offered Courses (with university-internal fee rate): subject-related or interdisciplinary, gender-specific or to promote a young scientist
  • Please note: The guest lectures and teaching assignments may not be used to cover the compulsory teaching!




For guest lectures, the "Guideline for the Agreement and Settlement of Guest Lectures" applies, as well as the standard forms for requesting and settling travel expenses. The daily fee is 300 Euro (incl. possible VAT).


The "Regulations on the Awarding of Teaching Assignments (Lehrauftragsordnung-LAO)" apply to teaching assignments. The entire accounting of the teaching assignment (including the forms for application and granting of a teaching assignment, proof of hours, etc.) is handled by the department. Account assignment and mathematical as well as factual correctness are co-signed via the Office for Equal Opportunity Issues.


Last Modification: 09.03.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster