Service agreements on care and work

The Caregiver Leave Act is valid for all employees of Otto von Guericke University, including academic and student assistants, as well as tutors and apprentices. The Care Time Act includes short-term leave of ten days and care time of up to six months per dependent relative. The Family Caregiver Leave Act applies to the care of relatives in need of care for up to 24 months with full and partial release.

"Close relatives" are defined as:

  • Parents
  • Grandparents
  • Parents-in-law
  • Spouse
  • Civil partner
  • Partners in a common-law marriage
  • Siblings
  • own children, adopted and foster children, children as well as adopted and foster children of the spouse or life partner
  • children-in-law and grandchildren
  • stepparents
  • cohabiting partnerships
  • sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law

If short-term work prevention is sought in accordance with § 2 PflegeZG, a maximum of ten days of leave per nursing case can be taken. The notification requirement can be carried out in any conceivable way, if necessary also by third parties. As proof, a medical certificate of the need for care or proof of the need for care by a care level (at least level 1) must be submitted at the request of the employer. There is no continued payment of remuneration. The application is made informally, and the employee's own health, nursing care, pension and unemployment insurance coverage is retained in full.

If caregiver leave is sought in accordance with § 3 PflegeZG, § 2 and 2a FPfZG, a maximum of 24 months can be taken for each relative in need of care and a maximum of three months for end-of-life care. The care time must be taken in one piece, but can be less than the maximum duration and can be extended up to the maximum duration. Notice must be given as a written request at least 8 weeks prior to taking the time. It is not possible for the employer to refuse.

If part-time employment is desired, this must be included in the request. The reduction must be at least 15 hours. For each calendar month of complete release from work, the vacation entitlement is reduced by one-twelfth. The obligation to provide evidence includes a certificate of assessment from the nursing care insurance fund or the medical service of the health insurance fund, which can also be submitted at a later date. There is no continued payment of wages, but under certain circumstances care support money is paid by the care insurance funds or by the private insurance company of the person in need of care. It is also possible to be exempted from compulsory health insurance.

For all employees who request a short-term leave of absence or nursing leave, special protection against dismissal applies from 12 weeks before the announced start date until the end of the nursing leave.

Service agreement on leave of absence under the Caregiver Leave Act.

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Last Modification: 27.09.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster