Leaky Pipeline at the OVGU

In science, the term "Leaky Pipeline" refers to the decline in the proportion of women with each further qualification level (cf. Blome 2013 et al., pp. 55-56). In the STEM field, this phenomenon occurs particularly drastically (cf. GWK 2018/2019, p.14). Possible reasons for this are:

  • structural discrimination
  • lack of visibility
  • lack of networking and support from superiors
  • incompatibility of family and scientific career (especially in the post-doc phase)


Frauenanteil an der OVGU (3 Bilder)

This "Leaky Pipeline" is also found at Otto von Guericke University when looking at the proportion of women by status group.


  • Blome, E.; Erfmeier, A.; Gülcher, N; Smykalla, S. (2013): Handbook on gender equality policy at universities. From women's advancement to diversity management?. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • GWK (2020): Chancengleichheit in Wissenschaft und Forschung.24th update of data (2018/2019) on women in universities and non-university research institutions. Bonn: GWK.
  • Tuider, Elisabeth; Jahr, Volker; Tuzcu, Pinar (2016):Gender equality structural measures on the leaky pipeline. University of Kassel.


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